New Zealand Working Holiday Visas (WHV)
Many young people from around the world obtain New Zealand Working Holiday Visas (WHV) in order to explore New Zealand while working there for up to 12 months (Canadian and UK citizens may be eligible to obtain New Zealand Working Holiday Visas for up to 23 months).
Eligibility for New Zealand Working Holiday Visas depends on the country of candidate’s citizenship, but here are some of the main requirements:
- be a citizen of a country with a corresponding Working Holiday Agreement (please see blow the list of countries that have such agreement)
- be between 18 and 30 years old (35 for some programmes, such as WHV for Canadians)
- have return ticket (to and from New Zealand), or have sufficient funds to buy such ticket
- have a minimum of NZ$4,200 for living expenses in New Zealand (or NZ$350 per month for UK citizens)
- meet health as well as character requirements
- hold medical and comprehensive hospitalisation insurance for the whole period of stay in New Zealand (not required for citizens of some countries, such as Canadian citizens)
Here is the list of countries that have a Working Holiday Visa Agreement with New Zealand:
- Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Philippines , Poland, Singapore (work exchange programme), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Vietnam.
N.B.: Working Holiday Visa (WHV) for Canadian citizens aged between 18 and 35 years can be issued for up to 23 months (as of 1 April 2015). Previous maximum of WHV for Canadian citizens was 12 months.
Our Telephones:
Toronto: 1-647-931-5770
Montreal: 1-514-819-1175
Vancouver: 1-604-800-9088
Auckland: 64-9-8875101
Sydney: 61-2-80051055
London: 44-2071933019
New York: 1-917-3874044
Paris: 33-977550110
Barcelona: 34-93-2200339
Lisbon: 351-30-8800950
Mexico City: 52-55-41703550
Rio de Janeiro: 55-21-39561440
São Paulo: 55-11-32301344